Viscometer and Rheometers and Repair

Viscometer and Rheometers and Repair 

The  Viscometer is a widely used and well-known instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. It offers various models, including the Model 35 Viscometer, which is the most commonly used. Other models include the Model 45 APV, which uses touch screen controls and digital measurement technology for pre-programmed test schedules. The RheoVADR Rheometer is a digital stand-alone viscometer at ambient pressure. The Marsh Funnel Viscometer is a simple device for indicating viscosity on a routine basis. Fann offers a complete line of accessories for the Model 35 Viscometer, including the Cold Water Rheology Kit for controlled sample cooling. The Model 50SL High Temperature Rheometer is designed for testing drilling fluids and fracturing fluids at temperatures up to 500°F and pressures up to 1,000 PSIG. The iX77 Rheometer is also available.