Calibration of XRF/ Metal Analyzers
• X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) is a non-destructive analytical technique used to determine the elemental composition of materials.
• XRF analyzers measure the chemistry of a sample by measuring the fluorescent X-ray emitted from a sample when excited by a primary X-ray source.
• Each element in a sample produces a set of characteristic fluorescent x-rays (“a fingerprint”) unique for that specific element, making XRF spectroscopy an excellent technology for qualitative and quantitative analysis of material composition.
• Calibration is crucial to ensure the accuracy of the results and is usually done on the instrument before it is shipped out the manufacturer’s door.
• It is recommended to check, adjust, or determine the accuracy of your instrument on an ongoing basis.
• Recalibrations should be done annually to ensure measurements are accurate within the specification limits that led to the instrument selection.
• Only the manufacturer’s qualified technicians should perform recalibrations.
• Eurocaltech can supply a calibration certificate to assure customers that you accurately verify your materials.
• Hardware checks and maintenance inspections should be offered by the manufacturer to ensure everything works to factory specifications.
• Delays could cause issues if measurements are not within tolerance, leading to inaccurate measurements, bad components, increased expenses, and customer returns.
• Eurocaltechoffer an annual calibration and certification program and a calibration guarantee.