Furnaces,Ovens,Melting Furnaces,Laboratory Incubators,Laboratory Chambers,Laboratory Bath,Autoclaves,Orbital Shaker,Hot Plate andMantles,Tinning Pot/Lead Bath,Process Control Instruments,Digital Controllers,Digital Indicators,Transmitters,Digital Energy M

Furnaces,Ovens,Melting Furnaces,Laboratory Incubators,Laboratory Chambers,Laboratory Bath,Autoclaves,Orbital Shaker,Hot Plate andMantles,Tinning Pot/Lead Bath,Process Control Instruments,Digital Controllers,Digital Indicators,Transmitters,Digital Energy Meters,Digital Timers & Counters,Data Logger,Electric Heaters,Thermocouples,Rtd Sensors Calibration

The Calibration Guide outlines the basic technical requirements for laboratories undertaking calibration of enclosures controlling temperature and/or humidity in their working volume. It aims to harmonize calibration practices applied in the calibration of the enclosures to obtain reliable and widely recognized calibration results. The guide is also recommended for Accreditation Bodies when accrediting laboratories for the calibration of temperature and/or humidity controlled enclosures.

furnaces, ovens, laboratory incubators, chambers, baths, autoclaves, orbital shakers, hot plates, mantles, tinning pots/lead baths, process control instruments, data loggers, electric heaters, thermocouples, RTD sensors, and various other equipment. It also mentions various industrial ovens, such as hot air, stainless steel, vacuum, and plastic-pre-heating ovens. The summary also mentions various types of melting furnaces, such as aluminum, lead, gold, and silver, and various types of incubators, such as COPP, BOD, dry bath, and environmental chambers. The summary also mentions various water baths, such as 6 and 12 hole water baths, constant temperature water baths, recirculating water chillers, and oil baths.

The calibration of a temperature and/or humidity controlled enclosure in principle is the determination of the deviation between the indication on the display values of the enclosure and the corresponding values measured in the enclosure. The calibration of other parameters like air temperature/humidity spatial distribution in the specified calibration volume, air temperature/humidity temporal stability over a representative period of time, thermal inertia, recovery time, etc. can also be specified in the calibration scope of a laboratory.

However, the calibration of the indication of an enclosure is not the best method for documenting the environmental condition during the operation of an enclosure. The use of at least one sensor for temperature and/or humidity in close proximity with the load in the enclosure usually provides much more reliable data than the indication of the enclosure. Calibration laboratories should inform their customers about this fact, preferably before signing the contract with the customer.

To reduce costs, a customer may ask for a calibration at a single measurement point at one location in the enclosure (one point calibration). However, mostly calibration should be more extensive to meet the requirements of the customer’s activities with the enclosure. It is highly important to clearly state the coverage of the calibration in the corresponding calibration certificate.

Laboratory and customer must agree the scope of the calibration requested, duration of the test, parameters to be determined, loading conditions, etc. These calibration conditions have to be recorded by the laboratory. It is strongly recommended that if an enclosure is characterized for the first time or modified that it should be calibrated/characterised with both an empty and a loaded chamber.

The calibration of an enclosure is a crucial aspect of laboratory calibrations, and it is essential to specify the criteria for accepting an enclosure to be calibrated. These criteria should include the volume of measurement in the enclosure, control system of measurement parameters, and technical documentation of the enclosure. Reference to technical guidelines is recommended, but the usual calibration of thermally and/or humidity controlled enclosures is restricted to enclosures operated at normal pressure.

The calibration of an enclosure requires at least the determination of several parameters, which will be considered in the uncertainty budget: air temperature/humidity spatial distribution in the specified calibration volume, air temperature/humidity temporal stability over a representative period of time, uncertainties associated with the working standard used for the calibration, radiation effect associated with the emissivity of the temperature sensor and sensor dimension, time-dependent temperature differences between air, measuring probe(s), and load in the enclosure, sensitivity to temperature changes with probes placed in air or in a buffer (liquid, block), influence of loading of the enclosure to the spatial distribution and temporal stability of air temperature and humidity, influence of ambient conditions, and resolution of indicators.

The scope declared by a laboratory for calibrations of enclosures should state the parameters of the enclosure, such as air temperature in an empty working-volume, air temperature in a loaded working-volume, air humidity in an empty working-volume, air temperature at a single spot in the enclosure, and specify measurement of probe in air or buffer (liquid, block).

In addition to ISO/IEC 17025 requirements, reports related to the calibration of an enclosure must include details of the working condition parameters of the enclosure used during the calibration, specific volume calibrated and distribution of the sensors, characteristics of the loading, and if the results of the sensors are used to determine other parameters, such as temperature/humidity spatial distribution or temperature/humidity temporal stability, defining the parameter and its calculation.

Proficiency testing is crucial for calibration laboratories to ensure their competence through proficiency tests and intercomparisons. Acclimatization of enclosures is typically conducted in the customer's premises, excluding initial calibration at the manufacturer. It is recommended to use a well-characterized enclosure in an independent institute for proficiency testing. Internal comparisons can help control the performance of different calibrators within a laboratory.

The calibration certificate for temperature and humidity controlled enclosures is valid only for the air temperature and humidity in the empty useful volume of the enclosure. Under ambient conditions, considerable deviations from the calibration value can be considered. It is strongly recommended to install temperature and/or humidity sensors in close contact to the load in the enclosure, as these sensors provide more realistic data on the condition in the enclosure than the indication of the calibrated enclosure.

Radiation effects can affect measurements in climatic chambers, as the temperature of the walls of many models is lower than that of the air due to radiation losses. The temperature of the thermometer and an object in the enclosure can differ considerably, especially if the emissivity or emittance (e) of the object differs from that of the thermometer. The influence of this effect increases over proportionally at higher temperatures, while below room temperature, the effect is inverse but often negligible.

Objects in the useful volume will generally not assume the air temperature prevailing during calibration due to loading conditions, position, size, and material not conforming with the thermometer used for the calibration of the enclosure. Relative humidity distribution in the useful volume may change significantly if there are water vapour sources or sinks, effective mixing of the useful volume, or leaks leading to air exchange with the environment.

Measurement uncertainty is valid only if the measurement conditions documented in the specific case are complied with. The remaining radiation effect of the standard used, related to the enclosure calibrated here, was determined and allowed for in the measurement uncertainty.