Weight & Mass
Experienced and efficient technicians
We calibrate most class types of calibration weight.
Minimise measurement uncertainty, Accredited and
specialist calibration service.
Trust the specialists to calibrate your instrument
You’ll get timely, accurate services and an easy-to-read Calibration Certificate with a full report of all work and results. When your instrument is due for re-calibration, we will send you a reminder notice.
Why choose us?
Our highly educated personnel can check that test instruments are operating properly and meet all manufacturer specifications. We may tailor our calibration techniques to your specific requirements and do on-site calibrations at your location. Alternatively, our professionals can execute your calibration in our ISO 17025 calibration lab on-site.
Occasionally, our experienced staff will discover a
defect with the test instrument during calibration. If this happens, we can
also repair your test equipment with your permission and calibrate your device
to ensure that it is safe to use and provides accurate data for another year.
About Weight & Mass Calibration
Weight Calibration
Below 1 kg. (2 lb.) to 50 kg. (100 lbs.)
Classes: A, B, C, F, M, P, Q, S, S-1, T, 1, 1.1, 2, 3, 4,
5 and 6
Balance Calibration / Scale Calibration
0 to over 1,000 lbs.
Comparator Calibration
0 to over 1,000 lbs.
Our lab is outfitted with a variety of scales designed to
handle mass calibration of standards and instruments at varied weights and
accuracies. Calibration requires comparing the weight reading from the scale to
a known standard or mass value. The precision mass standards used for
calibration are of proven accuracy.
During mass calibration, the test weights produced from
calibrated items are compared to defined measurement standards. The procedure
will determine whether or not measurement precision is maintained. Instruments
can be adjusted to bring measurements within tolerances, or weights can be
replaced as needed.
Mass calibration is performed in a lab with constant
temperature and humidity control to ensure that weights and instruments are
stabilized before and during measurement. The climate-controlled room is
maintained at 68°F ± 1°F with 30-50% relative humidity. Under these conditions,
our technicians can calibrate to 0.00001 of a gram.
Weight calibration services are available for a
wide-range of classes, including A, B, C, F, M, P, Q, S, S-1, T, 1, 1.1, 2, 3,
4, 5 and 6, as defined in the specification NIST/NBS Handbook 105-1 & 44,
NBS Circular 547 and ANSI/ASTM E617. Highly reliable equipment is capable of
performing balance calibration, scale calibration and comparator calibration on
instruments with capacities to over 1,000 lbs.
Our in-house lab and field technicians are highly trained to execute quick calibrations without sacrificing the accuracy of the results. They adhere to our strict internal protocols as well as the customer needs provided with each purchase.
What is the difference between Weight & Mass?
Weight is often taken to mean the same as
mass, however, there is a difference, which for calibration purposes is
important to note:
Mass is the measurement of the amount of material that
makes up the object.
Weight is the gravitational force acting on the object.
Accuracy is key as weights are used to calibrate scales and other weighing equipment, an inaccurate weight, in turn, will have a knock-on effect and will produce inaccurate scale calibration. A calibrated set of weights allow the scale error of the balance to be assessed and corrected to the highest accuracy.
Calibration weights are available in a wide range of
classes and specifically used for certain types of balances such as:
M1 calibration weights are used for testing and
calibrating standard scales
F1 calibration weights are used for testing and
calibrating precision electronic balances
E2 calibration weights are used for testing and
calibrating analytical balances
How is it Calibrated?
Weights must be calibrated with extreme care and
precision; weights must not be:
touched with one's bare hands
When using sharp or abrasive tools
Make contact with contaminated or dirty surfaces
Surfaces are slid or rolled across.
knocked each other over or into each other
Used non-recommended solvents or materials to clean
All of these factors can compromise the weight's
integrity and result in inaccurate readings; therefore, proper care and tools
must be used during the calibration process. We take care with your weights to
ensure accuracy at all times during calibration. There are several methods of
weighing techniques in mass metrology, and which method is used depends on the
desired accuracy. Methods include:
Direct reading measurements,
Weighing by differences,
Substitution weighing,
ABA calibration,
ABBA calibration,
Cyclic weighing,
Weighing by sub-division,
Weight Calibration Standards according to
Class E1 ±0.5 mg Used for traceability between
national mass standards and OIML class E2 weights and lower
Class E2 ±1.6 mg Used for traceability of OIML
class F1 weights and lower and OIML accuracy class I weighing instruments
Class F1 ±5 mg Used for traceability of OIML class F2
weights and lower and with OIML accuracy class I weighing instruments
Class F2 ±16 mg Used for traceability of OIML class M1 weights
and lower and with OIML accuracy class II weighing instruments
Class M1 ±50
mg Used for traceability of OIML class M2
weights and lower and with OIML accuracy class II weighing instruments
Class M2 ±160
mg Used for traceability of
OIML class M3 weights and with OIML accuracy class III weighing instruments
Class M3 ±500
mg Used with OIML accuracy
class III or IIII weighing instruments
How Often Should You Calibrate?
Calibration frequency is determined by weight
use and accuracy class, however annual calibration is normally recommended.
Types of Weight & Mass Equipment
We offer calibration on the following weights
and mass equipment:
Weight Set,
Weights Set,
Mass Set,
Test Weight,
Test Weights,
OIML Weight,
OIML Weights,
Known Weights,
Alpha Biomedical And Diagnostic ,
GSC International ,
Nova Biomedical Corporation,
Ohaus Corporation ,
Rice Lake Weighing System ,
Troemner ,
United Scientific Supplies, Inc ,
1 g and above: Two-piece, 500 mg and below:
One-piece ,
ASTM Weight ,
Adjustable Cavity Sheet Weight ,
Adjustable Cavity Weight,
Adjustable Cavity Weight with Knob ,
Analytical Sheet Weight ,
Analytical Weight ,
Analytical Weight Set Case ,
Balance Weight ,
Below Balance Hook ,
Calibration Mass ,
Calibration Weight ,
Customized 3rd Weight ,
DMC Scanner ,
Economy Hooked Weight Set ,
Electronic Balance Calibration Weight ,
Electronic Balance Calibration Weight with Grip
Handle ,
Hook Weight ,
Hook Weight Set ,
Individual Analytical Weight Case ,
Individual Electronic Balance Weight Case ,
Individual Metric Economical Sheet Weight with
One Side Turned Up ,
Individual Metric Economical Weight ,
Individual Metric Economical Weight with
Adjusting Cavity ,
Individual OIML Weight Case ,
Large Metric Analytical Weight Set ,
Large Weight Set ,
Medium Metric Analytical Weight Set ,
Medium Weight Set ,
Metric Analytical Sheet Weight with One Side
Turned Up ,
Metric Analytical Weight ,
Metric Analytical Weight with Handling Knob ,
Metric Attachment Weight Set ,
Metric Economical Weight Set ,
One Piece Metric Analytical Sheet Weight ,
One Piece Metric Analytical Sheet Weight with
One Side Turned Up
Replacement Case for 10 g to 500 g Individual
Slotted Weight
Slotted Weight Set with No Certificate
Small Avoirdupois Test Weight Set
Small Metric Analytical Weight Set
Small Metric Test Weight Set
Small Weight Set
Stacking Tray
Standard Line Weight
Standard Line Weight Set
Test Weight
Two-Piece Analytical Weight
Two-Piece Analytical Weight With Knob
Two-Piece Electronic Balance Calibration Weight
Two-Piece Metric Analytical Weight
Weight Hanger
Weight Set
Weight Set with No Certificate
Weight with Knob, One Piece (Monobloc)
Wire Weight