Fixed Gas Detection Systems & Equipment calibration
Fixed gas detection systems are essential for various applications such as power generation, landfill sites, food processing, laboratories, and medical applications. Calibration of these systems is crucial for ensuring their accuracy and reliability. The process involves preparing necessary equipment, such as calibration gas cylinders, regulators, and adapters, in a well-ventilated area and wearing appropriate personal protective equipment.
The gas detector is turned on and cleaned, followed by zero calibration to establish baseline readings in an atmosphere free of toxic or combustible gases. Span calibration adjusts the detector's response using a known gas concentration to accurately detect target gases within specific operating parameters.
Connecting the calibration gas cylinder to the detector using secure tubing and adapters is essential. The calibration process is initiated on the detector, allowing the gas to flow for the specified duration to stabilize the sensors. Finally, the detector is finalized by turning off the alarm, disconnecting the calibration equipment, and ventilating thoroughly. The calibration results are then verified on the detector's display screen.