Multi gas detector Calibration
• Zero Calibration: Ensure detector is in fresh air and zero out all sensors except oxygen.
• Attach Calibration Cap: Connect the calibration cap to the detector and attach the tubing to the calibration gas.
• Set Flow Rate: Adjust the gas flow rate and let it run for 60 seconds until sensor readings stabilize.
• Adjust Calibration Values: Enter the calibration mode, select the gas to calibrate, and adjust the target value to match the known calibration gas concentration.
• Repeat for Other Sensors: Repeat the calibration process for each detector.
• Verify Calibration: Remove the calibration cap and tubing and check detector readings.
Drager X-am 2500 kit, BW GasAlertMicroClip XL, MSA Altair 4XR, Crowcon T4, WatchGas SST4, Honeywell BW Icon, Blackline Safety G7, BW Technologies connectable four gas multigas monitor, BW GasAlert Quattro, Crowcon T4, Drager X-am 2800 Ex, MultiRAE Lite Pumped, Ventis Pro 5, QRAE 3 Diffusion ATEX, Ventis Pro 5, black, and Tango TX2 Dual-Gas Detector.