food frying oils and finished products instruments calibration
Analysers for measuring and monitoring multiple parameters including Histamine, Sulphites and E.Coli.
• Oils and Fats: Measures oxidation and rancidity of frying oils.
• Eggs: Simplifies traditional quality control procedures for egg products.
• Palm Oil: PalmOilTester for fast monitoring of essential quality parameters.
• Olive Oil: OxiTester for testing olive oil.
• Fish and Seafood: BioSystems Y15 automated analyser for efficient measurement of essential parameters.
• Automated Analysis: Features continuous sample loading for multiple sample throughput.
• Chocolate: Quality control analysers for fats and other chocolate ingredients.
• Tomoto Sauces: Chemical and microbiological analysis.
• Refractometers: Rudolph Research Analytical J47 refractometer for multiple food applications.
• Pipette Accuracy: ATMOS tests accuracy and leakage of single and 8 channel pipettes in less than 30 seconds.
Histamine and sulphite analysis are cost-effective, easy-to-use methods with validated extractions and rapid reactions. The Histamine Kit, certified as AOAC Performance Tested Method SM #072001, includes calibrators and a simple extraction buffer, ensuring excellent correlation with official methods.