Dairy Industries calibration
Frozen Reference Materials for Milk Calibrations
• Offer precision and stability for multipoint linear regression calibrations.
• Cover raw milk, pasteurised milk, and cream reference materials.
• Certified by ISO reference methods by at least 7 independent laboratories.
• Stable with no oiling off issues due to unique freezing and preparation method.
• Minimum shelf life is 12 months with no degradation.
• Standard storage on-site in a freezer and ready for use in 40 minutes.
• we Offer on-site calibration service, calibration training, technical support, and calibration monitoring.
• Q-interline InSight Pro: Real-time, continuous in-line compositional milk analyser for control over process.
• Liquid Analysis: Accurate, repeatable analysis of liquid and plant-based dairy products.
• Q-interline Quant Analyser: Suitable for production testing of butter, cheese, and powder products.
• Advanced Instruments Fluorophos ALP Milk Analyser: Offers sensitive pasteurisation determination test.
• Advanced Instruments 4250 Cryoscope: Industry standard method for Freezing Point Depression (FPD).
• CDR FoodLab: Allows rapid measurement of Free Fatty Acids (FFA) and Peroxide Value (PV) in cream, butter, and lactose and Lactose free measurement in milk, cheese, yoghurt, or powders.