(Martin Decker) M/D Totco 0-20,000LBS SCALE 100LB DIVISION Martin Decker Big size Weight indicator Calibration
Martin-Decker is a leading manufacturer, seller, and distributor of drilling instrumentation designed to provide consistent accuracy and reliability under the most demanding drilling and production conditions. Their products are manufactured, sold, rented, and serviced in over 40 countries, contributing to successful oil exploration and production efforts. Their world-wide service network provides fast, round-the-clock installation, repair, and consultation support.
Martin-Decker's heavy-duty hydraulic load cell systems can weigh almost anything you can hang from them or set on top of them, and perform accurately despite electrical power failures, daily shock loading, corrosive atmospheres, and moisture. Their experience in designing oilfield instrumentation that survives some of the most hostile environments on earth is reflected in the rugged instrumentation systems especially suited for industrial applications. This product line has gained an unequaled reputation for reliability and performance in a multitude of industrial weighing and force measurement applications throughout the world.
Martin-Decker designs, manufactures, and tests its hydraulic, electrical, and electronic products to withstand the extremes of today's drilling requirements. Electrical and electronic products available in certified versions for hazardous environments are marked with identifying labels or symbols. At Martin-Decker, meeting both customer specifications and customer expectations is a priority. Metric and special units of measure are available on most indicator-type products, and every effort is made to provide the customer with the right product for the job.
The Martin-Decker Spectrum 1000 and 2000 consoles are compact, microprocessor-based consoles that bring the best of computer technology to today's drilling monitoring and control operations. Two computers within each Spectrum system perform self diagnostics and operate as a backup for each other for maximum reliability. Custom packaging and displays are available, and specifications are adaptable to user requirements.
Spectrophum 1000 features numerical and bar graph liquid crystal displays (LCD) that are highly visible, even in direct sunlight. They are flexible, easy-to-follow instructions, and have large 3/4" digits. Keyboard operations for setting alarms and zeroing bit weight are greatly simplified, making viewing or changing alarm limits easy. The console also displays flash if alarm limits are exceeded.
Ex drilling instrumentation, the first Ex* (explosion proof) drilling instrumentation certified to European Standards, includes flow fill indicators, trip tank indicators, mud temperature/density indicators, pump stroke counters, mud volume totalizers, and meters. These instruments are designed to CENELEC Standards, EN 50 014, 016, 018, 019, and 020, and are recognized by 17 countries in the European community.
In summary, Martin-Decker is a leading manufacturer and supplier of drilling instrumentation designed to provide consistent accuracy and reliability under the most demanding drilling and production conditions. Their products are designed to meet the needs of their customers and are recognized by 17 countries in the European community.
Martin-Decker offers a Purged/Pressurized System that maintains pressurization by leakage compensation, resulting in less air usage. The company offers a full line of explosion-proof support equipment and offers four different types of instrumentation, covering three basic methods of explosion-proofing. The first method is pressurization, which prevents the gas/oxygen mixture from coming in contact with the ignition source. The second method is elimination of spark energy to a level well below the minimum needed to ignite the flammable mixture. The third method is intrinsically safe, non-sparking with additional measures taken to ensure safety. The fourth method is flameproof, which contains the explosion in a strong box enclosure. Martin-Decker has been in the forefront of drilling control for over half a century, designing instrumentation packages to match specific rig requirements. Their reputation for quality is unexcelled in the oil industry, and they are backed by MartinTRIP TANK VOLUME service technicians. They provide total control in three compact, variable configuration, space-efficient packages. The deviation of mud volume includes Mud Pump SPM, Total Mud VQLUME, Weight on Bit, Total Look Load, Mud Pump Pressure Certified Version for Hazardous Use, Mud Pump Strokes Per Minute, and Electric Torque Rotary TableRPM.