Brewery instruments calibration
Advanced Polarimeters: Compliant with 21CFR Part 11 standards, designed for demanding analytical laboratories.
• Refractometers: Various configurations to meet specific application requirements and environmental constraints.
• Density Meters: Ideal for research and production applications across various industries.
• Automated Density Meters: AutoFlex, a flexible automated sample handling system for density, specific gravity, optical/specific rotation, refractive index, brix, urea, pH, and color measurements.
• Portable Density Meter: Hand-held, Peltier temperature-controlled density meter for laboratory level accuracy.
• Automated Titration: Mantech MT series of configurable systems for sample volume and size.
• Fast and Safe COD Analysis: Mantech PeCOD, a COD analysis tool, suitable for wastewater and drinking water applications.
• Oils and Fats Monitoring: CDR FoodLab allows monitoring of degradation of fats and oils.
• pH Measurement: Thermo Scientific pH meters provide fast and accurate measurements.
• Oxygen & pH Meters: PyroScience PC controlled oxygen, pH, and temperature meters are matched with fibre-optic and contactless sensors.
• Rapid Micro: Sy-Lab BacTrac 4300, ATMOS, Automated Kjeldahl, Electroplating, Methanol Control, Gas Sensors.