Ultraviolet meter
• Features a microprocessor-controlled readout unit with a dual-sensor detector for accurate measurement of ultraviolet and visible light.
• Designed for nondestructive testing (NDT) applications.
• Connects directly to the readout unit or via a USB cable with a water-resistant sensor adapter.
• Provides black light readings from 0-100 mW/cm2, and visible light readings from 0-5,300 lux.
• Offers an overall accuracy of better than ±5% with reference to NIST standards and conforms to black light and visible light MIL and ASTM specs for FPI and MPI in NDT applications.
• Features a 4-digit autoranging, monochrome LCD display, rugged rubber boot, excellent temperature coefficient and over-ranging characteristics, and built-in autozeroing.
• Compact, lightweight, and battery operated for convenient use in various locations.
• Includes a readout unit, dual UV-A/Visible Sensor Detector, water-resistant USB cable, rubber boot, and carrying case.