SF6 gas is a crucial insulator in medium- and high-voltage electrical equipment, used globally to insulate live electrical parts and manage electrical current flow. However, it poses health hazards due to its asphyxiant nature. The Kyoto Protocol identified SF6 as one of six key greenhouse gases contributing to human-driven climate change. SF6 emissions can stay in the atmosphere for up to 3,200 years, and high concentrations can displace oxygen, affecting the respiratory system and causing health issues for workers.

The most common SF6 gas hazards include SO2 byproducts, which can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat, as well as oxygen displacement due to its weight. Accidental leaks in gas-insulated equipment (GIE) can lead to malfunctions and short circuits, resulting in costly repairs and accidents. Fires are rare in outdoor installations, but indoor installations pose a greater risk.

To address these hazards, businesses should establish a robust monitoring and tracking program, including inventory, end-to-end tracking, 24/7 monitoring, comprehensive maintenance, and loosening bushings. In case of an exposure, evacuate personnel without PPE, ventilate the area, stop gas flow, and seek medical attention.WE Academy offers virtual and in-person training on SF6 safety and handling, providing access to webinars and training opportunities.