What Are the Most Common Causes of Hose Leaks?

What Are the Most Common Causes of Hose Leaks?

Hose leaks are often caused by incompatible hoses and fittings, which can be confusing for those unfamiliar with the process. Improper hose and fitting selection is crucial for ensuring the right system. If the hose and fitting size are slightly off, the assembly will leak, and the hose will deteriorate quicker. The STAMPED method of hose and fitting selection is essential for selecting the right hose and connection.

Improper assembly is another issue, as incorrect or haphazard installation can lead to loose connections and dangerous leaks. Hydraulic hose operators should run tests after installing or assembling new hoses or fittings to ensure strong and stable connections.

Multi-plane bending is another potential issue, as hydraulic hoses are flexible but should never bend along more than one plane. Double-check the routing and installation of the hydraulic hose system to ensure no hose is bending along more than one plane.

External abrasions and hose deterioration are the most common causes of hose leaks. Hydraulic hoses can deteriorate and crack after a few years of use, likely due to a rupture caused by an abrasion against another hose or object in the environment. Hoses move and sway as media flows through, causing them to rub against other hoses or hard surfaces, degrading the surface until a leak is triggered.